Sunday, August 7, 2011

New look, ... and an apology.

So I got to fooling around with the look of this blog. Before I knew it, an hour had passed with me going from design to design. I finally settled on this one.

Actually, I'm not completely settled. My eye was drawn to the stained glass pattern and the color palette. Maybe it's too busy. I might change it soon. If you, gentle reader has an opinion about the new design, please let me know.

I had also gone back and reread the smattering of posts contained herein. While I am in the main pleased with the content and style, I am chagrined to read what are obviously blatant typos that now leap off the screen at me as if circled in red by a tongue-clucking grade school teacher, yet somehow completely evaded my normally eagle-eyed editor. (Me.)

I am sorry. You can't see me, but I'm hanging my head and pouting my lower lip. Of the things I intend to do more often, blogging and getting the typing correct are amongst them. Thank you for your understanding. Stay tuned!

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