Writing has to be one of the hardest tasks in the human world. I remember staring at blank pages in my old, orange Sears typewriter, waiting for that magical moment of inspiration to strike. Quite a long time ago, when I thought I was a songwriter. All of those songs have been destroyed. I remember giving it up. I thought to myself, "Until you have something worthwhile to say, stop writing songs. They're not that good."
Staring at a blank space on a screen is no easier.
A couple of weeks ago, a good friend gave me a copy of the documentary film Harlan Ellison; Dreams with Sharp Teeth. Ellison has been a favorite writer of mine almost as long as I have been able to read. If you're familiar with the man's work, or his legend, you'll know he has a reputation for ,,, shall we say, not suffering fools gladly.
This is a marvelous documentary, which I highly recommend to anyone who has even the remotest interest in writing and writers. Seek it out. Buy a copy. Buy another for a friend.
This film got me thinking about another good friend. He has a brilliant mind, and is never going to run dry of opinions. Never. However, he isn't really happy in his life situation right now. Well, in my mind, somewhere this friend and Harlan drew a parallel. I realized, this is a man who is a writer and doesn't know it yet. So, of course, when we next met, I went on and on about the movie and how much I thought that my friend is in fact, a frustrated writer. Maybe I went on a bit too much, but I couldn't help it. I wanted this nudge to take.
Which brings me to this blog. Hey, if I think my advice is good enough for a friend, why the hell shouldn't it apply to myself as well. I've been thinking about doing this for a bit, and my time's a wastin'. I turn fifty-one in a few days and there are probably more summers behind me than ahead now. If I want to try some writing (something I've held secretly to my breast since childhood) I better get to it. So the intent is use this as a forum to develop my chops. To get the rusty machine lubed-up, on the track and moving forward. I have no idea if I actually have anything significant to add, but we'll see. This will be a place for essays on topics that tend to loop through my head, and through conversations with friends. I want to write about things that should be, hopefully wry observations on normal life, and the occasional hard-learned life lession. I'll try to stay away from the politically inflammatory. I have grown tired of the current hack-and-slash political discourse on the internet. I will welcome all constructive responses. I will read every one, and will post any polite responses. I'm grateful for any eyes who scan these words. Hang in here with me, and you just might see a writer emerging.
Thank you in advance.
write on, bruvah