Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You gotta love Firefighters.

Today's most controversial and absolutely outrageous news story involves a Florida minister with a room temperature IQ and a bad mustache. 

Caught up in his own overinflated sense of self-importance, Terry Jones (I will NOT use the title Reverend as there is nothing reverent about this mouth-breather) is the preacher of a tiny and unimportant ultra-right-wing Christian church in Gainesville, Florida called, ironically, the Dove World Outreach Center, is getting a lot of media attention by announcing his intention to carry on with a bonfire book burning of the Quran on September 11.

It's a sad fact of American existence that our Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression includes allowing stupid expressions to have the same weight as intelligent and wise ones.

In spite of the fact that many, many voices have taken up the call to give up this proposed idiotic and incendiary (intentional pun) event. In spite of the many appeals to reason, to decency, to tolerance, this moron Christian minister seems to think that his God wants him to intentionally provoke angry reactions from Muslims.

Yeah. Right. God wants you to burn books. Is there anyone out there with any education at all who thinks this is a good idea? I just can't imagine it, and I can imagine a lot. More than many people. I'm not one of the faithful of anyone's religion, but I don't think it's a good idea to burn the Bible or the Torah. I don't think it's a good idea to burn Steven King either. I don't like to read Steven King, but I don't think his work needs to be burned.

Jones has insisted that he will carry on with the planned Quran burning.

Enter the Interim Fire Chief, Gene Prince. A bonfire is illegal in Gainesville, and books are considered hazardous waste. The ink, it seems, is not healthy to breathe when burned. The Chief has stated he will not allow the burning to happen.

Gotta love those firefighters. Go get 'em boys.